North Night Vision Technology (NNVT)

From Night Vision Wiki

North Night Vision Technology Co.Ltd (NNVT) is the largest Chinese manufacturer for image intensifiers and their components (PSU, MCP and FOP).

It is believed to manufacture image intensifiers using or at least based on production lines and technology purchased from Photonis (Photonis-DEP Nederland)[1].


⚠ This section contains unverified information. You can help by adding references to it.

NNVT produces Gen. 1 and Gen. 2 image intensifiers in 16mm, 18mm, 25mm, 20/30mm and 40mm format, with wafer inverting, non-inverting, staging and hybrid formats and ICCD night vision components. They also produce UV, solar blind UV, visible and SWIR Sensors.

Furthermore, development for the following technologies is ongoing:

  • InGaAs Solid-State Low-Light Sensor
  • CIS Solid-State Low Light level Sensor

At the core of NNVT's lineup of image intensifiers lies a single-digit iteration standing for each new production line, starting at 1, with 7 being the latest.

In the past, NNVT used this iteration prefixed with NVT (e.g. NVT-5, ...) as naming convention.

While some distributors still use this system, NNVT uses a product number system, usually consisting of two letters, four digits, followed by a suffix of up to two letters, like GT4864AW. The first digit stands for the iteration. Product families, e.g. image intensifiers of the same format, replace the iteration with the letter X, and have no suffix, e.g. GTX864. This system draws heavy inspiration of the product numbering system used by Photonis.



Gen. 1 image intensifiers introduced in the 1980s.


NNVTs first Gen. 2 image intensifiers introduced in the 1990s.


Introduced in 2006.


Introduced in 2006. Previously called CNT-4.

Performance parameters Units of measurement Values
Resolution lp / mm 57+
Photocathode Sensitivity 28560 K, uA/lm 600+
800nm, mA/W 50+
850nm, mA/W 40+
Signal to Noise Ratio 22+
Luminous Gain @2x10-5 lx, cd/m2/lx 8K-12K
Phosphor P22/P43/P45


Introduced in 2018. Only the military grade version features autogating.

Performance parameters Units of measurement Values
Resolution lp/mm 64+
Photocathode Sensitivity 28560 K, uA/lm 700-900
800nm, mA/W 65+
850nm, mA/W 50+
Signal to Noise Ratio 25+
Luminous Gain @2x10-5 lx, cd/m2/lx 12K-25K
Phosphor P22/P43/P45


Introduced in 2018. All tubes feature autogating. Previously called DNT-6.

NVT-6 adopts a new MCP processing technology and new photocathode process, leading to higher resolution and claiming better reliability.

Performance parameters Units of measurement Values
Resolution lp/mm 64+
High Light Resolution @ 200lx, lp/mm 48+
Photocathode Sensitivity 28560 K, uA/lm 850-1000
800nm, mA/W 80+
850nm, mA/W 60+
Signal to Noise Ratio 28+
EBI μlx 0.25-
Luminous Gain @2x10-5 lx, cd/m2/lx 12K+
Halo mm 0.7-1.0
Phosphor P22/P43/P45


Introduced in 2020, NVT-7 is the latest iteration of NNVT's image intensifiers.

A newly developed photocathode process yields various improvements like increased sensitivity, an extended spectral range beyond 1000nm and smaller halo.

16mm NVT-7 can be produced with high-frequency autogating and bright spot protection.

Performance parameters Units of measurement Values
Resolution lp/mm 68+
High Light Resolution @ 200lx, lp/mm 48+
Photocathode Sensitivity 28560 K, uA/lm 1000+
800nm, mA/W ?
850nm, mA/W ?
Signal to Noise Ratio 28+
EBI μlx 0.25-
Luminous Gain @2x10-5 lx, d/m2/lx 12K+
Halo mm 0.7-
Phosphor P43/P45

