Infiray Jerry-F
The Infiray Jerry-F (also referred to as F-ENVG, standing for Fused Enhanced Night Vision Goggles) is a fused night vision and thermal monocular produced by Infiray.
Fused systems like the Jerry-F are an attempt to improve upon the combination of night vision devices and clip-on thermal imagers by providing a complete package.
The Infiray Jerry-F housing weights 372 g and has a waterproof certification of IP67. Also it comes with its own mounting system (239 g) and a external battery pack which is not compatible to other devices.
The lenses used for night vision component aren’t as good as mil-spec lenses on established devices like the PVS-14.
The built in thermal sensor with a resolution of 640 x 512 pixels (12 μm) ensures clear detection over longer ranges. The 16mm thermal lens diameter has a FoV of 25,8° x 19,1° where the night vision component has 40°. For fused operation it has four thermal-modes where the color scheme can be changed. It also features a full thermal mode if image intensification isn‘t required.
The battery life during fused operation is over 8 hours while the image intensification without thermal extends battery life to over 60 hours.
The housing allows manual gain control and features an adjustable diopter and a built-in IR illuminator.