From Night Vision Wiki
JSC Katod is a Russian night vision company specializing in creating image intensifer tubes.
Image Intensifier Tubes
Generation 3

3rd generation tube, comes in quality ratings of B-A-C/S-F (low to high) where F-rated tube specs meet or exceed minimum requirements for military applications.
- The second to best tier of the grading system for the EPM101G tube series is interchangeably referred to as C and S among english speakers, probably due to the scale being originally devised in kyrillic script where C is equalled to roman script S.
- B and A Katod tubes are free to export and sell even outside of Russia while C require special permits and F are restricted to militsry and law enforcement use only. In spite of this both of the latter are available outside of Russia although F-grade tubes are very rare to find on the civilian market.