Infiray Jerry-F
Among the positive features of the F-ENVG are small details that distinguish the device from so-called "Clip on fusion devices" as an example: Infiray Jerry C2/C5 What is an entire system with the F-ENVG as a complete package, with the clip-on attachment, it is an external module, which achieves the same result in practice, but differs from the operation and functionality.
A build in Thermal sensor with 640x512px (12μm) ensures clear detection over longer ranges. The 16mm Thermal lens diameter has 25,8°x19,1° FOV where the IIT module has 40°. On Fused usage it has 4 thermal-modes where thermal-colors can be changed and a Full thermal-mode if IIT isn‘t used. The battery life on fused usage is >8 hours where IIT only goes >60 hours. The housing allows a Manual-Gain control and has a build in IR lamp.