AGM Global Vision

From Night Vision Wiki

AGM Global Vision is a device manufacturer located in the United States and Europe. They mainly specialize in retailing complete nightvision and thermal devices.

The founders of AGM Global Vision have an established track record within the electro- optic market. They have created and developed a number of successful companies known for producing products for Commercial and Military users. These companies are ATN and Armasight. These are brother companies, which was created by the founders of AGM. Today Armasight has been bought by flir, however together with ATN they remain to sell NVG and thermal products under their names.


AGM has a reputation of selling affordable products, such as night vision and thermal sights. However, they often sell their branded devices with low performing Russian Ekran or Photonis commerical tubes.


AGM Global Vision was founded in Springerville, Arizona, U.S.A. by industry veterans in 2019.


AGM sells a vareity of items on their webshop, and brands them as their own on both their website and with labels on their devices when you buy them. But contrary to belief, AGM does actually not produces these products themselves. Their housings are made by other manufacturers such as Daking.


  • WOLF-14
  • NVM40
  • NVM50
  • PVS-14 OMEGA
  • PVS-14
  • WOLF-7
  • PVS-7
  • NVG-40
  • NVG-50